leJOSUnit 1.0.2 - Implementation Details


October 1 2003



Porting details

Restrictions compared with JUnit

Footprint of leJOSUnit

leJOSUnit includes some tests (see package lejosunit.tests.size), to compare the required executable without leJOSUnit and including leJOSUnit.

Footprint of leJOSUnit based on leJOS 2.1

In leJOS 2.1, there is less footprint, due to the enhanced optimized linker, which removes also not used methods.

Test-Program without leJOSUnit
with leJOSUnit
Simple 930 8.581 7.651
FreeMemory 2.456 8.636 6.180
HelloWorld 2.767 8.657 5.890

Footprint of leJOSUnit based on leJOS 2.0

This is based on leJOS 2.0, which includes an optimized linker, removing not required classes.

Test-Program without leJOSUnit
with leJOSUnit
Simple 1.434 8.321 6.887
FreeMemory 6.484 13.015 6.531
HelloWorld 3.478 10.016 6.538

Planned extensions / TODO's

leJOS related

leJOSUnit related

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